Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I think I have blogged about this before, or at least made a comment or two about it.

Parenting to Sleep
~something I hope that Six will not need me to do~

I am sitting here on Jacobs bed,
just waiting for them to lay down their heads.
To fall asleep they need me to guide,
To rest, to be still and to lay on their sides.

"Please fall asleep," is what I've had to say,
From the evening bedtime to the napping at day,
But during the day, they are full of gust
Even though at 32 months napping is a MUST.

BUT Hooray for my Lappy as I sit here with glee
One kid, little Jack, is asleep the other, Jake eying me intently.
I am sure that soon enough, he will close his little eyes
And soon, I'll sneak out with a quiet, "YES!" and a few sighs

For relief comes to me with 90 minutes of quiet
Because here, the dinner hour does bring a riot.......
Peace is with me, thank God, that's for sure,
It helps my head to remain quiet and my heart to remain pure.


  1. Oh, I just can't wait. Oh wait. I could wait. I'm not a huge fan of sitting, watching and waiting for a kid to fall asleep! Oh, how the mind must wander!

  2. OH MAN! well you know it's not forever that they will even STILL nap so enjoy the few sighs and 90 minutes of quieter peace...I had 2 hours of only one kid up woohoo!


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