Saturday, August 23, 2008

Really honestly a good summer 2008

Here's the first thing:  
Kudo's to my dear friend Denise who seems to get things done
All the time she works SO hard until after the setting sun
She is so dedicated to her kids, her husband and her friends, 
Her love for live, passion and drive she often extends.
She made a list of things to do before the summer was through
The Quay, the beach, the farm and other things that are fun to do
Her example was followed by me as I did similar things in different time
My summer with my kids was fun and give her the kudos in this rhyme.

Secondly, I am SO glad that swimming lessons are over! BUT It was WELL worth it. The difference in my little ones is HUGE. They truly are preschoolers now and miss their swimming teacher already having asked to go see Alvin at swimming. SO CUTE! I hope that the 2 weeks they had has prepared them for the 22nd of September when they will go to preschool playtime at Lochdale 2 times a week. Sam did AMAZINGLY well and passed a level that I thought FOR SURE he would have to take a couple of times but the notes on the report card are that he's a strong swimmer in the deep end...go figure. Austin is ticked at me because he didn't pass. Level 4 is crucial to the rest of the levels because of the front crawl which get this, "Mom, it's your fault because you didn't tell me that I needed to work on it." :::roll eyes::: Hope passed into the 6th level which is a 45 minute class and starts the learning for life saving stuff. I am trying to encourage her become a lifeguard and instructor and think it would be the coolest job for a 15 year old to have...well again, I am glad its over but thankful that I was able to give my kids the one thing we have tried to do for 5 years running...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oh for Pete's Sake! Baby Blues already! This is a PINK baby though....

To start and following, with an explanation, I hate being "crazy Jen" so, for the record and as a prayer and request, stop making this a reality in the universe and change it to a positive.

TaraLynn told me YEARS ago that I have to start looking at mental health in the same light as physical health. Like, if I cut my finger badly while chopping onions for dinner or felt like throwing the onion across the room I should be viewing these things for ME identically. So, I would go to the doctor for the cut and now, ARGH!!!! I will have to bring this up at my next freaking, maternity appointment....

Seriously, I am sooooo done sometimes with having THIS chemical makeup. Will I forEVER be struggling with the "high highs" and "low lows" that I have apparently be born with? If my mom was alive she would tell me that it doesn't exsist, my grandmother tells me that it's just the way it is, my foster mom tells me that she loves me and I need to talk to my doctor, I don't tell my mother in law and my sisters and good close friends will put an arm around me in whatever capacity that is and help me through this.

I didn't have it with the twins, but I honesly JUST figured out today that YEP! It's here... it even has a name "perinatal depression" so, INTO the doctor I will walk and off to the Reproductive Psychology clinic I will go because woman who suffered with this long ago had no help and it would be practically shameful for me to NOT take advantage of the help that we have nowadays.

LOL! I just paused to get some facts before posting this and I read "As many as one in five women in BC will experience significant depression in relation to her pregnancy and childbirth." I have been pregnant 5 times and VOILA! I am the only person in my world who has suffered, stuggled and been treated for this... OH THE IRONY!!! Now I am giggling cause the rain started and it was a beautiful sound.