Thursday, September 11, 2008

36 weeks plus 1 day - crampy and starting to get crabby

My pattern for going into labour, while taking longer than the last 4 times, has begun. Last night I felt like, "that's it, it's never going to get here and I will be pregnant for either ever or a whole 4 weeks longer." For a few days, past my 3am urination call, I've traded the sleep for anxiety over whether or not my birth plan (or at least my get the hospital WITH Kevin to have a baby) will work.

Today is the worst of all. Right now, I have back pain like I did when Austin was coming, cramps like the sort that I have when I am one day one of my period and the every 10 minute or so braxton hicks contraction that makes my eye balls pop out...

The things that keeps me in my mode of, "Suck it up PrincessButtercup" are:
  • that Kevin works across the street from the skytrain
  • that the principal of the school knows that when I call, he'll be sending Hope home to babysit until Grandma, Denise or any other local family friend can show up
  • the drive to the skytrain with stops every 3-10 minutes (for a contraction) will take the same amount of time for Kevin to change and get to Gilmour Station
  • Samuel can be picked up for school by 2 local friends OR in the event that it's during kindergarten and Hope is home with the twins, can be brought home by one of 3 local friends who have kids to pick up after 3pm
  • #1 thing keeping me ok is that all in all, God in in control, that HE's got a plan and that this will be a great story once the page turns to a blank one and Paige makes her grand entrance
Did I just hear the sound of trupets annoucing royalty?

1 comment:

  1. I think the last point is key - God is in control. Lord willing, things will go as you have planned and Kevin will be there, however, even if everything is a mess, you will still end up with a lovely little baby girl. But I hope things go your way.


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