Thursday, June 5, 2008

I was thinking about Judy's suggestion

I have to sit in the playroom these days to keep the boys out of trouble and now that lappy is up and running and I have a few java games or now a text based game to play, it gives me the opportunity to laugh out loud and the parent aimed jokes in Sesame Street. The first one I rememeber talking about was a muppet singing "Letter B" to the tune of "Let Her Be" and of course one of my favs, Forgetful George singing "Eyeclohoma, Eeeklohoma, Ayeclohoma Uclahoma and never getting Oklahoma" as Prairie Dawn gets more and more aggrivated with his lack of memory....

Today however, was aimed more at the parent/child in relation to another child coming into the family as Gina and Elmo try to play checkers, but Gina's baby Marco is taking Gina's attention and Elmo gets upset over it. The song they sing at the end is called, "I've Got Enough Love to Go Around" and really sums up to the child how even though I don't have time to do the things that I used to do, I still love you JUST as much as I have before the new addition came around.

This summer was a turing point for me emotionally as I let go of certain emotions over rejecting, abandonment and fear around a lack of belonging and through the whole thing, my foster family was among the people who I was thinking about the most. I do not say foster in teh government sense, nor in the sence that they are any different than my "real" family. Even though our lives seem distant and I feel "disconnected" sometimes with geography or even life's circumstances, I know that they love me all the time and that they have enough love to go around.

I am trying to find the lyrics and the tune because as all Sesame Street because its the next lulaby in my heart HELP ME, I am getting no where

....hey sisters....what do YOU think about Judy's suggestion and Mom's apparent "seconding"......what could we sing, should we decide we could pull it off or wanted to?


  1. What do you want to sing? Let's do Warren's lullaby and include Andre.

  2. That's a wonderful idea what is it? I think I heard you say it once but I don't know it... gimme some kind of link ;)

  3. Oh no we'll have teach it to you. Gail and Marcus wrote it.

  4. im in and i think i even know it haahahahhaha but i get the alto part.....dont tell anyone but i know where to grt the mp3 broken down into parts

  5. But I want the Alto part!!! teehee, already a fight over parts...

  6. Hi Jenn....

    Where have you been? Waiting to hear what happened to the idea to sing at the shower?

    You havent benn bloggging lately life running you over?

    Missed hearing from you.
    Take Judy


Please leave your name if you comment so I know who to say hi to next time :)