Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Coffee, Toast and Eggs

Let's start with 10 as a number to represent my full cup...

It's just passed 6 and Kev wakes me to tell me that he's late and needs a lift to the train. My attitude already sucks because I discovered the last time that I am incapable of getting back to sleep and the frustration over it just makes the crankiness of the day taking away a point from my cup. Granted I can add it back with my own positive outlook but the mere thought of even doing that makes yet another point leave it... down to 8

Fine, make it up to 9 and I get a coffee... now I am almost back to 10 coming home to a quiet and peaceful house. Eggs, and toast are an excellent way for me to fuel my body, the coffee and a peach or an orange will make a complete meal... leaving me at 10...unless the inevidable happens and I put the crust of the toast into the toaster, someone has turned the stupid thing all the way to the burntiest setting, only realizing it when I am marvelling at how cool my new frying pan is... FIRE ALARM AHHHHHHHH.... I hurry to get the rubbermaid lid to fan the thing to make it stop but I see the smoke issuing from the toast and curse the darn thing because I HATE MY TOASTER and argh! the child who turned it up, then argh! myself because I should have checked first, stop the toaster and then run to the hallway to fan the dector....it stops....silence..........Jack cries, freaked out from the alarm peircing his quite slumber Jacob wakes from Jack's cries, I run in and try to calm them ... only... the alarm goes off again and all at once I feel my peaceful morning drip out of my cup 9, 8, 7, 6..... they want some milk... I get it for them.... they get an Advil (which we call crunchy medicine or candy medicine) then oh yes, the cup begins to lose more points as Jacob loses his milk... 5, 4, 3... can I recover? Jackson doesn't want to go back to sleep, but there is NO way I am going to recover from my emptyish cup if they do, I convince them to try to sleep. Jake is fine, we take the blanket he pukes on and quickly replace it with another one 4, 5... Jackson calms down enough to stop coughing, 6, 7 and they quiet down... more toast goes into "Toaster - that hates me" 8, my eggs are cold, I can suck it up, my butter is melty what do I care about cold eggs... and well here I am emptying my crankiness into my blog, which ironically adds to my cup at least a point.. 9 and hopefully with with my attitude changed and my cup practically full, I will have a good day and squeeze in a nap.....................

I really wish Kevin could grasp, understand and know what it takes to be me................ my cup is always half full and when it's below the halfway mark, I always try to fill it up......


  1. Why is it I feel like coffee?
    ;) Thanks for this, Jen!

  2. Toast and eggs...sounds like a yummy treat.

  3. I applaud the filler of the cup! I hope your day ended on a high note!


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