Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas gift from God: Forgiveness

My newest and most profound concept to learn, yet oddly something I have not gone through, is forgiveness. I love that it's still Christmas time and that I am going to learn this concept starting now because some of us are celebrating the birth of the Saviour. I hope that by Easter I will have a larger understanding of forgivness so that I can celebrate that season like no other in my 16 year walk with God.

It's going to be great to finally release my anger, resentment and pain from my past so that I can move on to being a whole person filled with true peace, honest love and walk in full grace....

On another note...let's chose A# (which is B flat) ...

We were SO blessed this Christmas and I looking forward to 2009 as we anticipate another year full of joy as we celebrate our 13 years of marriage and embark on our 14th. Who on earth would have thought that WE, Kevin and Jennifer would have this life....

love to all :)


  1. Forgiveness is such a tricky lesson to learn. I remember as a child thinking that Jesus called us to constantly forgive so that we could relieve those who hurt us from guilt. So sometimes I'd forgive and resent Him a little. It didn't seem fair, especially when the offender didn't seek forgiveness. But the older I've gotten the more it's become clear just how how much WE need to forgive others for ourselves as well. God is good. He'll give you the courage to face what you've been harboring and then fill that void with peace. We are lucky to be so completely loved.

  2. Isnt God good? He brings us to a place of learning - just when we are ready to learn! Have a very Happy New Year! Love you guys!!!

  3. God is goos indeed! thank you for sharing! Blessings


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