Monday, August 25, 2008

Showers, Breastfeeding, Pregnancy

First of all, I had to share this with you guys because I really just want to keep on trucking with getting over "shame" of breastfeeding anywhere. I have SUCH a busy fall and winter, that if I do not continue to pour into my world the wonder and amazement of breastfeeding, I will not be able to nurse at school, on the way to school, at church or just at the mall.... I really love that mommas do it so I REALLY want to be brave and GO FOR IT....

Secondly THANKS FOR THE SHOWER!!!! I have been having SUCH a fun time putting away stuff that I actually got the sewing machine out!!! THANKS SO SO SO MUCH !

So, Wednesday is 34 weeks and the doctor says he thinks 36-38 weeks I will POP! Let's pray this is the case.... I am ready, but for a few things that I want... which I can look for in the time being... love you all!


  1. Aww that video made me want to go get Warren out of bed and cuddle him.
    And OUCH the pinching! Did you SEE how much that guy was pinching his mom? I have to hold hands with Warren to prevent that.

  2. Here is my two cents worth on the breastfeeding issue - Breast feeding is one of the most natural things in the world. All mamals do it! Now - it is important for breastfeeding to be successful both mom and baby need to be comfortable with the feeding.

    Breastfeeding in front of others is very comfortable for some and not so comfortable for others. A light weight receiving blanket on your shoulder can be a way to ease into feeding in public. just cover up while baby latches on if you like. And there is nothing that says you cant find a spot away from the crowd to feed.

    Dont feel pressured by public opinion to do something that you are not comfortable with - peer pressure is not be be the guiding factor here. Many babies have grown to be well balanced adults and have never nursed in public - as many as have i would say.

    There is nothing wrong with having a supplemental bottle on hand if needed for an occassion when you find yourself not comfortable breastfeeding in public.

    So list all your options and let your heart be your guide! and that is my two cents worth!


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